New in March

We are in the process of redesigning our website. The main goal is to make it easier for teachers to find lesson materials.

Although we are content with the filter we provide to find lesson materials, it implies that new lessons, lesson tips or other lesson materials, do not automatically appear as a new blogpost in our news roll. Therefore we have to keep you up to date every now and then about our latest additions.

Last month we mused a little on the topic of merit and demerit goods, which led to a lesson tip on the four lenses approach, which can be applied to evaluate (de)merit goods, and also to economic policy, like a subsidy or an indirect tax. We hope the four lenses approach will become part of the IB’s “accepted, well-defined criteria and mark schemes”, so that students are allowed, even encouraged, to use them in the exam’s essay questions.

This month, we plan to write some posts on system thinking tools, so stay tuned.

Image by Benjamin Marder from Pixabay